Hotel Polaris offers its guests free use of the swimming pool and jacuzzi. This recreational complex is an undoubted attraction of every stay at our facility - it allows you to relax, be active and organize your time regardless of the weather. During opening hours, you can use the swimming pool without restrictions, except on Tuesday and Thursday from 16:30 to 17:00. During this time, we offer paid water gymnastics.
Opening hours: Monday to Sunday 08:00 – 21:30
12m / 7,5 m pool depth
140 cm water
massage stations
descent to the pool by steps
Before entering the locker room, you must change your outdoor shoes for swimming pool shoes. The person supervising the pool will give you a towel and a key to the locker, which are located in the changing room. We also recommend a swimming cap (it is not obligatory). Please read the regulations.
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